For today's stop on the "A Journey of Words" Blog Tour, we chat with author, J. M. Ames about his story, "The Last Ride."
Author Name: J.M. Ames
Title of your AJOW story:
The Last Ride
Post a brief synopsis of your AJOW story:
A recollection of the narrator’s life and the many adventures he has had with his lifelong friend.
What inspired you to write this story?
My closest childhood friend.
How long have you been writing?
Professionally, since the start of 2016. As a hobby, off and on since I was 8 years old, back in 1983.
What genre do you usually write in and why?
I am a pretty diverse writer. The Last Ride is creative nonfiction and stands out as the only nonfiction story I have. The rest of my body of work is fiction – be it mystery, adventure, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, or drama. I do plan on writing at least one short story in every major genre, if nothing else to stretch my abilities.
I pull from my life experiences when I write. Every story I have has at least a part of it that is based on something I have experienced in my life. In the case of The Last Ride, the entire story is. I find that I do my best writing when I write from the heart. Like most people that have been around for many decades, I have many experiences that lend themselves to each genre. I’ve been devastated, I’ve been in love, I’ve been horrified, I’ve been quite fulfilled, I’ve been filled with wonder, I’ve laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. If I can relay those feelings to my readers, I’ve done my job well.
What else are you working on writing at the moment?
I have several stories in various stages of development, ranging from shorts like The Last Ride to an epic 6-novel series. The two items you should expect next from me are a horror short for the next Scout Media anthology (A Haunting of Words), and a suburban fantasy novelette titled Phil. I am also working on a coming of age superhero story with my 9-year-old daughter.
What advice do you have to give to new writers?
Write from the heart. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice or help, but don’t take other’s word as gospel. Most importantly – never stop writing!
How can people discover more about you and your work? (Link to your blog/facebook/etc)
Twitter (@J_M_Ames):
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