
Monday, August 29, 2016

"A Journey of Words" Blog Tour, Day 3: M.R. Ward - "The Open Road"

Today's featured author is M.R. Ward. 

Sometimes it's all about the anticipation. When "A Journey of Words" was still in the proofreading process, all I kept about was M.R. Ward's story, "The Open Road," and how absolutely terrifying it was for those who had read it. I can't wait to read it, myself. 

M.R. Ward

Author Name: M.R. Ward

Title of your AJOW story: The Open Road

Post a brief synopsis of your AJOW story: A weekend trip turns into a nightmare as four friends find themselves on a collision course with the supernatural.

What inspired you to write this story? I wanted to tell a scary story, one that would stick with the reader long after the last line. 

How long have you been writing? A year, or twenty-five, depending on your view. At thirteen, I spent a year writing stories, but lacked life experience and technical knowledge. Twenty years later I began writing a novel, but quit after a few months due to self-doubt. I never stopped creating stories in my head, though, so in 2015 I decided it was "now or never" and have remained consistent. 

What genre do you usually write in and why? Horror. I find it entertaining.

What else are you working on writing at the moment? I’m working on a short story that’s more along the lines of a paranormal love story. I’m also continuing the novel I started five years ago.

What advice do you have to give to new writers? You have to take a chance and really give your best effort, but that means putting in the time and doing the work. No one can write your story for you. 

How can people discover more about you and your work? (Link to your blog/Facebook/etc.)

Remember: "A Journey of Words" will be released September 1. 

Paperback is available for pre-order at

Kindle version available for pre-order at


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